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Accessibility: Resources to Help Ensure Accessibility of Your Virtual Events for People with Disabilities

Since the start of the current COVID-19 crisis, artists and arts and culture organizations have been proactive in reaching out to their audiences and communities through webinars, livestreamed performances, virtual classes, and virtual visual art collections and museum tours. Cultural organizations should remember to ensure that these invaluable resources are fully accessible to people with disabilities, including those with vision, hearing, and learning disabilities. Below are some ways to create an inclusive experience for your virtual and digital events. Please note that this is a high-level overview and not a detailed how-to guide. Let us know of other recommendations or needs from the field to better serve people with disabilities by emailing Communication tip: Be sure to include contact information on your website or event registration for requesting an access accommodation. Accommodations provided for the event without request, such as captioning, can be promoted by using the appropriate downloadable disability access symbol, which allows people with disabilities to know which accommodations will be provided without having to ask.