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Bringing Self-Care into Organizational-Culture

Bringing Self-Care into Organizational Culture

In this companion article to Filling the Well podcast episode “Resiliency, Self-Care, and Joy,” learn about several practices that you can integrate into your organizational culture to help you get grounded, get connected, and get creative.

Many of us can agree that we could use more time for self-care. Not the trendy brand-building “fix yourself” posts we often see on social media, but the awkward, messy, and often uncomfortable practice of learning how to take better care of ourselves. Can you imagine what it would be like if our organizational cultures supported us in creating that space?

Joe Davis

Joe Davis is a nationally-touring artist, educator, and speaker based in Minneapolis, MN. He employs poetry, music, theater, and dance to shape culture. His work has been featured on BET, CNN, and VH1. He is the Founder and Director of multimedia production company, The New Renaissance, the frontman of emerging soul funk band, The Poetic Diaspora, co-creator of JUSTmove, racial justice education through art, and author of We Rise Higher: Poems and Prayers for Graduates.