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Creating Connections and Collectors

KODA’s professional development seminar program invites practicing artists to benefit from four comprehensive online seminars covering the essential business skills they need to grow their career. In 2022 KODA partnered up with Residency Unlimited (RU) to provide insightful and practical sessions, each lasting 45 min + 10 min Q&A, led by interdisciplinary artist Zachary Fabri, independent curator and online gallery owner Krista Scenna, artist and art handling specialist Lydia Goldbeck, and mixed-media artist and legacy & archive expert Antonia A. Perez.

Seminar #2: Creating Connections and Collectors by Krista Scenna
Designed specifically for mid-career artists, this workshop will explore how to connect (and re-connect) with a broader audience of supporters and potential collectors of your work. Our discussion will include insights about communications, sales, leveraging digital and IRL connections and incorporating personal style. Participants are encouraged to bring and share their questions for the Q&A session to address specific concerns and scenarios.

About Krista Scenna: Krista Scenna is an independent curator and online gallery owner based in Brooklyn, NY. She earned her BA in Art History and Spanish from the University of Pennsylvania and her MA from New York University’s XE: Experimental Humanities & Social Engagement program. Scenna has worked for the ICA in Philadelphia, the Queens Museum, and the New Museum in various capacities. Past exhibitions include collaborations with BRIC, NURTUREart and Lesley Heller Workspace and site-specific exhibitions in alternative forums such The Old Stone House, DUMBO Arts Festival, SPRING/BREAK Art Show and the Cigar Factory, LLC. Scenna also connects local emerging artists with new art buyers as the Co-Founder and owner of Ground Floor Gallery based in Park Slope, Brooklyn from 2013-2020. The gallery continues to operate as a virtual platform specializing in commissions and art consulting for new art buyers. Scenna is a member of AWAD (the Association of Women Art Dealers) and recently served as a juror for the 11th Biennial Alexander Rutsch Award, the Art Fair14C: The Juried Show, and as guest curator for the Ely Center for Contemporary Art. Scenna also advises artists and arts organizations as a strategist with the Ninth Street Collective.