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How to get your music licensed for films, TV, and beyond

How to get your music licensed for films, TV, and beyond

In this guide, we’re going to talk about how that’s done, how you can get in on the action, and what to expect along the way. If you make good music (or control the rights to other folks’ good music), and want more people to hear it, read on. You can make money. Exactly “how much” you can make with sync licensing is a moving target, based on factors we’ll get into—just know that effectively licensing your music for syncs can be a career in and of itself. (And at the very least, a pretty nice li’l bonus.)

Written by Josh Briggs with illustrations by Sunny Eckerle

Josh Briggs is the General Manager, West Coast & Head of Publishing for Terrorbird Media & Terrorbird Publishing in Los Angeles, CA. From punk rock bands and college radio to performing rights and music publishing, Josh has spent his career as a steward of independent music. He believes that doing it yourself doesn’t mean doing it alone, and that inclusiveness and understanding are keys to a thriving musical ecosystem. He is a father to two cats and two people. He enjoys basketball, comedy, and comic books, and believes that housing is a human right. If you give him an edible ingredient, he’ll make you ice cream out of it (and share it with you).