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Information Session: Health Insurance and the Working Artist

Actor and insurance agent, Carey Blackburn, joins Triangle Artworks for an informational session about the basics of health insurance plans.

Session covers:

-Basics of Health Insurance plans and how they impact creatives

-How to select a plan for your potential travel levels

-Applying for government subsidies with uncertain projected income and how this affects your income taxes

-How the Affordable Care Act helps you

-Accessing affordable Mental Healthcare

The ACA open enrollment dates for 2021 are November 1 – December 15, 2020.

Carey Blackburn is a working Actor and Licensed Independent Health Insurance Agent from Greensboro focused on demystifying the healthcare marketplace for creatives, regardless of field, medium, union status, or frequency of out-of-town gigs. Her experience as an uninsured artist for her first two years out of a BFA program has led her to be passionate about providing creatives with the financial tools for a solid foundation in the critical years of freelancing, gigs, and uncertain income streams.